

The Place on the Hill

Church & Ecumenical Activities







Sunday Services


You are warmly welcomed to any of our services


Services for June 2024

  2nd      10.30am   Arthur Revels

  9th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

16th      10.30am   Rev’d Blair Kirkby

23rd      10.30am   Rev’d Janet Tollington

30th      10.30am   Ruzive Mhiribidi


Services for July 2024

  7th      10.30am   Len and Babs Ward

14th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

21st      10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

28th      10.30am   Len and Babs Ward


Services for August 2024

  4th         10.30am   The Worship team - New Directions

11th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

18th      10.30am   Rev’d John Buxton

25th      10.30am   Karen Quelch



Previous Services




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