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Previous Sunday Services

The following may give you a flavour of the type of services held recently at the church ...



Services for May 2024

5th            10.30am   Arthur Revels

12th          10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

19th          10.30am   Topsy Brice

26th          10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme  - New Directions


Services for April 2024

  7th          10.30am   Mike Dyer

14th          10.30am   Elizabeth Stockdale

21st           10.30am   Babs and Len Ward

28th          10.30am   Karen Quelch


Services for March 2024

3rd            10.30am   Richard Lewney - New Directions

10th          10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme

17th          10.30am   Rev’d Charles Martin

24th          10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

29th          10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Good Friday

31st           10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Communion


Services for February 2024

  4th      10.30am   The Worship team – New Directions

11th         10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

18th         10.30am   Mark Hayes

28th      10.30am   Arthur Revels


Services for January 2024

  7th      10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

14th       10.30am   Rev’d John Buxton - Covenant Service

21st      10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

28th      10.30am   Topsy Brice


Services for December 2023

  3rd      10.30am   Heather Gale - New Directions

10th       10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Gift Service

17th     10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

24th      10.30am   Carol Service

25th     10.30 am   Rev’d George Lambdon - Christmas Day

31st      10.30am   Mike Dyer


Services for November 2023

5th       10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

12th       10.50am   Remembrance Sunday at Memorial Gardens

19th     10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

26th      10.30am   Rev’d Charles Martin


Services for October 2023

1st       10.30am   Heather Gale

 8th         10.30am   Denis Walker - Harvest

15th     10.30am   Topsy Brice

22nd     10.30am   Rev’d Gil Hulme

29th         10.30am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion


Services for September 2023

3rd      10.30am   Richard Lewney - Church Anniversary

10th    10.30am   Heather Gale

20th     10.30am   Worship Leaders

27th     10.30am  Rev’d Jenny Martin - Communion


Services for August 2023

6th       10.30am   Mike Dyer

13th    10.30am   Elizabeth Stockdale

20th     10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

27th     10.30am  Jerry Heyhoe


Services for July 2023

2nd      10.30am   Karen Quelch

9th        10.30am   Rev’d David Chapman - Communion

16th     10.30am   Heather  Gale

23rd     10.30am  Julie Finbow

30th     10.30am   Michael Beccato Fischer


Services for June 2023

4th        10.30am   Heather Gale

11th       10.30am   Mike Dyer

18th     10.30am   Julie Finbow

25th     10.30am   Rev’d Janet Tollington


Services for May 2023

7th                 10.30am   The Worship Team - New Directions

14th              10.30am   Circuit Service - Easter Offering

21st         10.30am   Rev’d Ernie Bossę

28th         10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe


Services for April 2023

 2nd        10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

 7th      10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Good Friday

 9th         10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Communion

16th       10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme

23rd    10.30am   Topsy Brice

30th    10.30am   Rev’d Nigel Uden


Services for March 2023

 5th          10.30am   Faith Paulding

12th        10.30am   Rev’d Charles Martin

19th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

26th      10.30am   Karen Quelch


Services for February 2023

 5th          10.30am   Richard Lewney - New Directions

12th        10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

19th      10.30am   Rev’d John Buxton

26th      10.30am   Rev’d Janet Tollington


Services for January 2023

  1st      No service

  8th        10.30am   Mark Hayes

15th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Covenant Service

22nd    10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

29th    10.30am     Jerry Heyhoe


Services for December 2022

4th           10.30am   Elizabeth Stockdale

11th        10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

18th      10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

25th      10.30am   Christmas Day Carols


Services for November 2022

  6th        10.30am   The Worship team - New Directions

13th        10.50am   Remembrance at St John’s (note time)

20th      10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme

27th      10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe


Services for October 2022

2nd           10.30am   Topsy Brice

 9th          10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Harvest

16th      10.30am   Rev’d Jan Bischoff

23rd      10.30am   Rev’d Martin Camroux

30th      10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion


Services for September 2022

4th          10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Church Anniversary

11th       10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

18th    10.30am   Tina Wilson

25th    10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe


Services for August 2022

7th     10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

14th   10.30am   Mike Dyer

21st   10.30am   Denis Walker

28th 10.30am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion


Services for July 2022

3rd     10.30am   Karen Quelch - New Directions

10th   10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

17th   10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

24th   10.30am   Faith Paulding

31st   10.30am   Topsy Brice


Services for June 2022

5th          10.30am   The Worship Team - New Directions

12th    10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

19th    10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

26th    10.30am   Denis Walker


Services for May 2022

1st           10.00am   Service at Bishop’s Stortford Methodist

        No service at our church

8th      10.30am   Rev’d Lythan Nevard

15th    10.30am   Songs of Praise

22nd    10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

29th    10.30am   Rev’d Jenny Martin


Services for April 2022

3rd       10.30am   Mike Dyer

10th    10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

15th    10.30am   Denis Walker - Good Friday reflection

17th    10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Communion

24th    10.30am   Janet Bottoms


Services for March 2022

6th       10.30am   The Worship Team - New Directions

13th    10.30am   Mike Dyer

20th    10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

27th   10.30am   Rev’d Charles Martin


Services for February 2022

6th       10.30am   Richard Lewney - New Directions

13th    10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

20th    10.30am   Mike Dyer

27th   10.30am   Karen Quelch


Services for January 2022

2nd      10.30am   Mike Dyer

9th       10.30am   Julie Finbow

16th    10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Covenant

23rd    10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme

30th       10.30am   Mark Hayes


Services for December 2021

5th           10.30am   Karen Quelch - New Directions

12th         10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme – Communion

19th         10.30am   Denis Walker

25th         10.30am   Christmas Day carols and readings

26th                            No service


Services for November 2021

7th           10.30am   The worship Team - New Directions

14th        Remembrance Sunday – no service at our church

21st         10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

28th         10.30am   Richard Lewney


Services for October 2021

3rd           10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

10th         10.30am   Mike Dyer

17th         10.30am   Denis Walker

24th         10.30am   Rev’d Jan Bisschoff

31st         10.30am   Julie Finbow


Services for September 2021

5th           10.30am   Karen Quelch - New Directions

12th         10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

19th         10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Harvest

26th         10.30am   Songs of Praise


Services for August 2021

1st           10.30am   The Worship Team - New Directions

8th           10.30am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

15th         10.30am   Jerry Heyhoe

22nd        10.30am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

29th         10.30am   Denis Walker


Services for July 2021

4th          10.30 am   Karen Quelch

11th        10.30 am   Denis Walker

18th        10.30 am   Joint churches online service farewell to Rev’d Roy Fowler

25th        10.30 am   Rev’d Jan Bisschoff


Services for June 2021

6th          10.30 am   Denis Walker

13th        10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

20th        10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

27th        10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler Final Service with Communion


Services for May 2021

2nd         10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

9th          10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

16th        10.30 am   Faith Paulding

23rd        10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler

25th        10.30 am   Julie Finbow


Services for April 2021

2nd         10.30 am   The Worship Team - Good Friday Readings and Music

4th            9.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Day

11th        10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

18th        10.30 am   Rev’d Janet Tollington

25th        10.30 am   Denis Walker


No services were held between 3rd January and 28th March due to the Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown


Services for December 2020

6th        10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch

13th      10.30 am        Rev’d Roy Fowler

20th      10.30 am     Rev’d Charles Martin (by proxy)

25th      10.30 am     Christmas Day Carol Service

27th        No Service


Services for November 2020

1st        10.30 am     Mike Dyer and the Worship Team – MHA Service


No services were held between 8th and 29th November due to the Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown


Services for October 2020

4th        10.30 am     Richard Lewney

11th      10.30 am     Julie Finbow - Harvest

18th      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe

25th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler


Services for September 2020

6th        10.30 am     Rev’d Jenny Martin

13th      10.30 am     Rev’d Jan Atkins-Snow

20th      10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch

27th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler


Services for August 2020

9th        10.30 am     Mike Dyer and the Worship Team – a celebration for the re-opening of the Church

16th      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe

15th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler

23rd      10.30 am     Karen Quelch


No services were held between 22nd March and 2nd August due to the Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown


Services for March 2020

1st        10.30 am     Mike Dyer and Kurt Roeloffs - New Directions

8th        10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch

15th      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe


Services for February 2020

2nd       10.30 am     Nicola Grieves  - New Directions

9th        10.30 am     Mike Render

19th      10.30 am     Rev’d Gill Hulme

23rd      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler – Communion


Services for January 2020

5th        10.30 am     The Worship Team  - New Directions

12th      10.30 am     Janet Bottoms

19th      10.30 am     Kurt Roeloffs

26th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant and Communion


Services for December 2019

1st       10.30 am   The Worship Team  - New Directions

8th    10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

15th  10.30 am   Rev’d Charles Martin - Gift Service (see below)

22nd 10.30 am   Carol Service

25th  10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Christmas Day

29th   10.30 am   Rev’d Jan Atkins-Snow


Services for November 2019

3rd        10.30 am     Richard Lewney - New Directions

10th      10.50 am     Remembrance Service at the War Memorial (Note time)

17th      10.30 am     Karen Quelch

24th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion                                                       


Services for October 2019

6th          11.00 am     WEBS service at Saffron Walden URC (Note time)

13th      10.30 am     Faith Paulding

20th      10.30 am     Mike Dyer - Harvest Collecting for Whitechapel

27th           10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler – Communion


Services for September 2019

1st         10.30 am   Denis Walker - Church Anniversary

8th     10.00 am   Circuit service at B S Methodist

15th   10.30 am   John Banks

22nd   10.30 am   Mike Dyer

29th   10.30 am   Rev’d Caroline Vodden– Communion


Services for August 2019

4th          10.30 am   Richard Lewney - New Directions

11th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler

18th        10.30 am   Julie Finbow

25th      10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler - Communion


Services for July 2019

7th          10.30 am   Rev’d Martin Camroux

14th        10.30 am   Rev’d Gill Hulme

21st        10.30 am   Rev‘d Christine Fowler

28th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler – Communion


Services for June 2019

2nd         10.30 am       Street Pastors - New Directions

9th          10.30 am       Jerry Heyhoe

16th        10.30 am       Rev‘d Caroline Vodden

23rd        10.30 am       Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

30th        10.30 am       Denis Walker


Services for May 2019

5th         10.30 am   Rev‘d Stuart Veitch - New Directions

12th       10.30 am   Rev‘d Charles Martin

19th       10.30 am   Rev‘d Gill Hulme

26th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Holy Communion


Services for April 2019

7th          10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

14th        10.30 am   Mark Hayes

19th        10.30 am   Rev‘d Roy Fowler - Good Friday

21st        11.00 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Easter Communion

28th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler


Services for March 2019

3rd        10.30 am      Nicola Grieves - New Directions

10th      10.30 am      Rev’d Jan Atkins-Snow

17th      10.30 am      Rev’d Stuart Veitch

24th      10.30 am      Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

31st      10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler


Services for February 2019

3rd        10.30 am      Janet Bottoms

10th      10.30 am      Mike Dyer

17th      10.30 am      Rev’d Stuart Veitch

24th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for January 2019

6th        10.30 am      The Worship Team - New Directions

13th      10.30 am      Rev’d Charles Martin

20th      10.30 am      Rev’d Jan Atkins-Snow

27th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant Service and Communion


Services for December 2018

2nd        10.30 am   Richard Lewney - New Directions

9th         10.30 am   Karen Quelch - Gift Service (collecting for Whitechapel Mission)

16th       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

23rd       10.30 am   Carol Service

25th       10.30 am   Rev’d Christine Fowler - Christmas Day Family Service

30th     10.30 am     Denis Walker


Services for November 2018

4th        10.30 am      The Worship Team - New Directions

11th      10.15 am      at St John’s (no service at our church)

18th      10.30 am      Maureen Kendall

25th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for October 2018

7th       10.30 am     Karen Quelch - New Directions

14th     10.30 am     Mike Render

21st      10.30 am     Rev’d Caroline Vodden

28th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for September 2018

2nd      10.30 am     Rev’d Gill Hulme - Church Anniversary

 9th      10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

16th     10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

23rd     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Harvest (collecting goods for Whitechapel Mission)

30th     10.30 am     Faith Paulding


Services for August 2018

5th       10.30 am      The Worship Team - New Directions

12th     10.30 am      Rev’d Roy Fowler

19th     10.30 am      Julie Finbow

26th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for July 2018

1st        10.30 am      Stort Valley Schools Trust - New Directions

8th        10.30 am      Rev’d Stuart Veitch

15th      10.30 am      Rev’d Claire Heald

22nd     10.30 am      Rev’d Gill Hulme

29th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for June 2018

3rd       10.30 am      Richard Lewney - New Directions

10th     10.30 am      Jerry Heyhoe

17th     10.30 am      Rev’d Christine Fowler - Communion

24th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Baptism of Sue’s grandson


Services for May 2018

6th       10.30 am     Nicola Grieves - New Directions

13th     10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

20th     10.30 am     Julie Finbow

27th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler


Services for April 2018

1st          9.30 am      Rev’d Roy Fowler - Easter Sunday Communion  

8th       10.30 am      John Banks

15th     10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

22nd    10.30 am      Rev’d Gill Hulme

29th     10.30 am      Rev’d David Simpson

David was minister at Stansted Free Church from 2006 until 2008 and we were delighted to welcome him back to take our service


Services for March 2018

4th          10.30 am   Brenda and Stuart Veitch - New Directions Fairtrade

11th        10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

18th        10.30 am   Rev’d Gill Hulme - Communion

25th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler

30th      10.30 am     Rev‘d Stuart Veitch - Good Friday


Services for February 2018

4th       10.30 am     Rev’d Gill Hulme - New Directions

11th     10.30 am     Julie Finbow

18th     10.30 am      Rev’d Charles Martin

25th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for January 2018

7th        10.30 am     Karen Quelch

14th      10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

21st      10.30 am     Janet Bottoms

28th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant Service


Services for December 2017

3rd          10.30 am   Mike Render

10th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

17th        10.30 am   Faith Paulding Gift Service  - collecting for Whitechapel Mission

24th        10.30 am   Carol Service

25th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Christmas Day Family Service

31st      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe


Services for November 2017

5th        10.30 am     The Worship Team - New Directions

12th      10.50 am     Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial

                                     Note no service at our church on that day

19th      10.30 am     Maureen Kendall                                                                                        

26th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for October 2017

1st       10.30am   Mary Whittle

8th       10.30am   John Banks

15th  11.00am Joint Service at B Stortford URC

22nd    10.30am   Rev’d Roy Fowler – Communion

29th   10.30 am   Denis Walker


Services for September 2017

3rd        10.30 am     Nicola Grieves - New Directions

10th      10.30 am     Rev’d Gill Hulme

17th      10.30 am     Karen Quelch - Harvest Collection for Stansted Foodbank

24th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for August 2017

6th        10.30 am     The Bible Society - New Directions

13th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler

20th      10.30 am     Julie Finbow

27th      10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for July 2017

2nd      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe

9th       10.30 am     Rev’d Charles Martin - Communion

16th     10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch

23rd     10.30 am     Rev’d David Mullins Farewell Circuit Service at B S Meth

                                     No service at our church                         

30th     10.30 am     Mike Render


Services for June 2017

4th       10.30 am     Richard Lewney - New Directions

11th     10.45 am     Revs Roy Fowler and Paul Wilkin (note start time)

18th     10.30 am     Mike Dyer

25th     10.30 am     Rev’d David Mullins - Communion


Services for May 2017

7th         10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

14th       10.30 am   Mike Dyer - Christian Aid Service

21st        10.30 am   Karen Quelch

28th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler – Communion


Services for April 2017

2nd      10.30 am     Mark Hayes

9th       10.30 am     Rev’d Stuart Veitch

14th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Good Friday

16th     10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler - Easter Communion

23rd     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler

30th     10.30 am     Rev’d Caroline Vodden


Services for March 2017

5th         10.30 am   John Banks

12th       10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins

19th       10.30 am   Rev‘d Jan Bisschoff

26th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for February 2017

5th         10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

12th       10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins

19th       10.30 am   Janet Bottoms

26th        10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for January 2017

1st        10.30 am     Julie Finbow

8th       10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

15th     10.30 am      Rev’d David Chapman

22nd    10.30 am      Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant Service

29th     10.30 am     Rev’d Jenny Martin


Services for December 2016

4th         10.30 am   Rev’d Charles Martin

11th       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion and Gift Service (see below)

18th       10.30 am   Carol Service (see below)

25th     10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler - Christmas Day Family Service


Services for November 2016

6th       10.30 pm     The Worship team - New Directions One World

13th     10.50 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler at the War Memorial (Remembrance)

                    No morning service at our church

20th     10.30 am     Maureen Kendall

25th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler -  Communion & Reception of New member


Services for October 2016

2nd        10.30 am   Nicola Grieves - New Directions

9th         10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

16th       10.30 am   Rev’d Caroline Vodden - Harvest (gifts for Stansted Foodbank)

23rd       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

30th     10.30 am     Rev’d David Mullins


Services for September 2016

4th         3.00 pm     Rev’d David Simpson – 10th Church Anniversary followed by tea and cakes

                No morning service

11th     10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

18th     10.30 am     Richard Lewney

25th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler -  Communion


Services for August 2016

7th       10.30 am     Julie Finbow - New Directions

14th     10.30 am     Mike Render

21st      10.30 am     Christine Heyhoe

28th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler -  Communion


Services for July 2016

3rd       10.30 am     Action for Children - New Directions

10th     10.30 am     Rev’d George Lambdon -  Communion

17th     10.30 am     Denis Walker

24th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler

31st      10.30 am     Mike Dyer


Services for June 2016

5th         10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

12th       10.30 am   Rev’d John Buxton - Communion

19th       10.30 am   Andrew Brown

26th             10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch


Services for May 2016

1st          10.30 am   Julie Finbow - New Directions

8th         10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe

15th       10.30 am   Faith Paulding

22nd      10.30 am   Rev’d Christine Fowler - Communion

29th       10.30 am   Rev’d Caroline Vodden


Services for April 2016

3rd       10.30 am     The Worship Team - New Directions

10th     10.30 am     John Banks

17th     10.30 am     Rev’d Caroline Vodden -  Communion

24th       10.30 am   Mark Hayes


Services for March 2016

6th         10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Fairtrade Service

13th       10.30 am   Rev’d Charles Martin

20th       10.30 am   Mike Render - Palm Sunday

25th       10.30 am   Worship Leaders - Good Friday Service

27th     10.45 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Easter Communion


Services for February 2016

7th         10.30 am   New Directions - The Worship Team

14th       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler

21st        10.30 am   Rev’d Jenny Martin

28th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion


Services for January 2016

3rd       10.30 am     Michael Render

10th     10.30 am     Rev’d Christine Fowler

17th     10.30 am     Mary Whittle

24th     10.30 am     Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant & Communion

31st      10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe


Services for December 2015

6th         10.30 am   Rev’d Charles Martin

13th       10.30 am   Carols & Gift Service (see below)

20th       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

25th       10.30 am   Rev’d Roy Fowler - Christmas Day Family Service

27th     10.30 am     No service at our church - services on that day: 10.30 am S Walden URC or 10 am B Stortford Methodist Church


Services for November 2015

1st      10.30 am  The Worship Team - New Directions

8th     10.50 am  Remembrance Service at St John’s

15th   10.30 am  Maureen Kendall

22nd 10.30 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler -  Communion

29th   10.30 am    Mike Render


Services for October 2015

4th     10.30 am  Rev’d Caroline Vodden - New Directions

11th   10.30 am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

18th   10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler

25th 10.30 am    Richard Lewney


Services for September 2015

6th   10.30 am    Rev’d David Mullins  - Church Anniversary

13th 10.30 am    Service at Saffron Walden URC

                            No service at Stansted

20th 10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe

27th 10.30 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler - Harvest Communion


Services for August 2015

2nd 10.30 am    The Worship Team - New Directions

9th  10.30 am    Rev’d Christine Fowler

16th 10.30 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

23rd 10.30 am    Julie Finbow

30th 10.30 am    Denis Walker


Services for July 2015

5th    10.30 am    Christine Heyhoe - New Directions

12th  10.30 am    Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

19th  10.30 am    Andrew Brown

26th  10.30 am    Penny Flynn


Services for June 2015

7th     10.30 am  Nicola Grieves - New Directions

14th   10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler

21st    10.30 am  Rev’d Jenny Martin

28th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Mullins - Communion


Services for May 2015

3rd   10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

10th 10.30 am   Rev’d Charles Martin

17th  10.30 am Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

24th 10.30 am   Julie Finbow

31st  10.30 am   Tearfund Service                         


Services for Apr 2015

3rd    10.30 am    Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Good Friday Service

5th    11.00 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler - Easter Day Communion (Note time)

12th  10.30 am    Rev’d Christine Fowler

19th  10.30 am    Janet Bottoms

26th  10.30 am    Don McGregor


Services for Mar 2015

1st      10.30 am  Joint Service at Abbey Lane URC Saffron Walden

             3.00 pm Joint Service at Water Lane URC Bishop’s Stortford

8th     10.30 am  Mike Render                                                                

15th   10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins - Communion

22nd  10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler

29th  10.30 am    Mark Hayes


Services for Feb 2015

1st     10.30 am    New Directions with The Worship Team

8th    10.30 am    Andrew Brown

15th  10.30 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

22nd 10.30 am    Richard Lewnsey

Services will be held in the hall on the first three Sundays in February


Services for Jan 2015

4th    10.30 am    Jerry Heyhoe

11th 10.30 am    Rev’d David Mullins

18th 10.30 am    Rev’d Roy Fowler - Covenant & Communion           

25th  10.30 am    Faith Paulding

Services will be held in the hall during January & February


Services for Dec 2014

7th     10.30 am  New Directions with Pilots

14th   10.30 am  Rev’d Charles Martin - Communion

21st    10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler Carols & Gift Service (see below)

25th   10.30 am  Rev’d Christine Fowler - Christmas Day Family Service

28th  10.30 am    Julie Finbow


Services for Nov 2014

2nd    10.30 am  Don McGregor - New Directions

 9th    10.50 am  United Service at  War Memorial (see below)

16th   10.30 am  Jerry Heyhoe

23rd   10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

30th  10.30 am    Maureen Kendall


Services for Oct 2014

5th     10.30 am  Andrew Brown - New Directions

12th   10.30 am  Christine Heyhoe

19th   10.30 am  Rev’d Roy Fowler - Communion

26th   10.30 am  Mary Whittle


Services for Sep 2014

7th     10.30 am  The Worship Team - New Directions

14th   10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins - Communion

21st    10.30 am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch                        

28th   10.30 am  Mike Render - Harvest (collecting goods for the Food Bank)


Services for Aug 2014

3rd     10.30 am  Andrew Brown - New Directions

10th   10.30 am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch

17th   10.30 am  Rev’d Jan Bisschoff - Communion

24th   10.30 am  Richard Lewnsey

31st  10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins


Services for July 2014

6th     10.30 am  Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

13th   10.30 am  Rev’d Charles Martin                     

20th   10.30 am  Denis Walker

27th   10.30 am  Rev’d Jenny Martin


Services for Jun 2014

1st      10.30 am  The Worship Team  - New Directions

8th     10.30 am  Stuart Veitch - Communion          

15th   10.30 am  Jerry Heyhoe

22nd  10.30 am  Nicola Grieves - Pilots Service

29th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Keeble


Services for May 2014

4th     10.30 am  Joint Service at Bishop’s Stortford URC

11th   10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins  - Communion

18th   10.30 am  Rev’d Jan Bisschoff

25th   10.30 am  Rev’d Charles Martin


Services for Apr 2014

6th     10.30 am  Don McGregor - New Directions

13th   10.30 am  John Banks                                                                  

18th   10.30 am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Good Friday Reflective Service

20th   10.30 am  Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Communion                  

27th  10.30 am    Faith Paulding


Services for Mar 2014

2nd    10.30 am  Rev’d  David Keeble - New Directions

9th     10.30 am  Rev’d  Paul Whittle - Communion                              

16th   10.30 am  Christine Heyhoe

23rd   10.30 am  Rev’d Charles Martin

30th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Keeble


Services for Feb 2014

2nd  10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

9th    10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe                                                      

16th 10.30 am   Mike Dyer

23rd 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch – Communion


Services for Jan 2014

5th    10.30 am   Andrew Brown

12th  10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins                                                  

19th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Covenant Service & Communion

26th  10.30 am   Rev’d George Lambdon           


Services for Dec 2013

1st     10.30 am   Don McGregor - New Directions

8th     10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

15th   10.30 am   Mike Render

22nd 10.30 am   Janet Bottoms - Carols and Gift Service

25th   10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Christmas Day (for all ages)

29th  10.30 am   Rev’d Jan Bisschoff


Services for Nov 2013

3rd     10.30 am  The Worship Team - New Directions

10th   10.50 am  United  Remembrance Day Service at St John’s

                            No service at our church

17th   10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins - Holy Communion

24th  10.30 am    Gordon Doyle


Services for Oct 2013

6th    10.30 am    Don McGregor

13th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

20th 10.30 am    Peter  Dawe

27th  10.30 am    Maureen Kendall


Services for Sep 2013

1st      10.30 am  Jerry Heyhoe

8th     10.30 am  Rev’d David Keeble

                            Church Anniversary and Holy Communion

15th   10.30 am  Rev’d David Mullins

22nd  10.30 am  Denis Walker - Harvest Festival (gifts for Foodbank welcome)

29th 10.30 am    Rev’d Stuart Veitch with Helen Veitch

                             followed by talk on Children Unite and hot  lunch


Services for Aug 2013

4th   10.30 am   Julie Finbow  - New Directions

11th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

18th 10.30 am   Denis Walker

25th  10.30 am   Don McGregor


Services for Jul 2013

7th   10.30 am   The Worship team - New Directions Our Story

14th 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

21st 10.30 am   Mike Render

28th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble


Services for Jun 2013

2nd 10.30 am   Ruth Parker - New Directions

9th   10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins - Communion

16th 10.30 am   Andrew Brown

23rd 10.30 am   Gordon Doyle

30th  10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe


Services for May 2013

5th    10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

                             Bite Back at Hunger

12th  10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

19th  10.30 am   Denis Walker

26th  10.30 am   Rev’d Nigel Uden - Interim Moderator


Services for April 2013

7th   10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - New Directions

14th 10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

21st 10.30 am   Penny Flynn

28th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble


Services for March 2013

3rd  10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

10th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

17th 10.30 am   Ruth Parker

24th 10.30 am   Maureen Kendall

29th 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Good Friday

31st 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch- Easter Sunday Communion


Services for February 2013

3rd  10.30 am   Don McGregor - New Directions

10th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins

17th 10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe

24th  10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Communion


Services for January 2013

6th   10.30 am   John Banks

13th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Covenant & Communion

20th 10.30 am   Service cancelled due to snow

27th  10.30 am   Andrew Brown


Services for December 2012

2nd  10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

9th    10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

16th  10.30 am   Penny Flynn - Carols and Gift Service

23rd 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

25th 10.30 am   Mike Dyer - Christmas Day Family Worship

30th  10.30 am   Rev’d  David Mullins                   


Services for November 2012

4th   10.30 am   Don McGregor - New Directions

11th 10.50 am   Remembrance Day United Service at St John’s

18th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

25th 10.30 am   Gordon Doyle


Services for October 2012

7th   10.30 am   The Worship Team - Harvest

                            Please bring breakfast goods for Harlow Food Bank

14th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

21st 10.30 am   Julie Finbow

28th  10.30 am   Janet Bottoms


Services for September 2012

2nd  3.30 pm                                                             Rev’d David Keeble  - Church Anniversary

9th    10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

16th  10.30 am   Ruth Parker

23rd 10.30 am   Mike Render

30th  10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe


Services for August 2012

5th   10.30 am   Joint Service at Water Lane URC

12th 10.30 am   Rev’d Tim Richards - Baptism of Ava Richards

                            followed by bring and share lunch. All welcome

19th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Thompson - Holy Communion

26th  10.30 am   Julie Finbow


Services for July 2012

1st    10.30 am   The Worship Team- New Directions

8th    10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins - Holy Communion

15th  10.30 am   Mike Render

22nd  10.30 am   Denis Walker (note change from the plan)

29th  10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble                   


Services for June 2012

3rd  10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - New Directions

10th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

                            followed by special church meeting (see below)    

17th 10.30 am   Maureen Kendall

24th  10.30 am No Service - Fun Run


Services for May 2012

6th    10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions Who Cares?

          6.30 pm    Circuit Easter Offering Service

13th  10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble and others

                             Mission Shaped Intro

20th 10.30 am   Sarah Devereux

27th  10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe


Services for April 2012

1st    10.30 am   Mike Render

6th    10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Good Friday Service

8th    10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Easter Communion

15th  10.30 am   Ken Mark

22nd  10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins

29th   10.30 am   Gordon Doyle


Services for Mar 2012

4th   10.30 am   Don McGregor - New Directions

11th 10.30 am   Mike Dyer  Please note change from the plan

18th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

25th   10.30 am   Janet Bottoms


Services for Feb 2012

5th   10.30 am   The Worship Team - new Directions

12th 10.45 am   Rev’d David Keeble & Rev’d Paul Wilkin

                            Please note change of time

19th 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch

26th  10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe                               


Services for Jan 2012

1st   10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins

8th   10.30 am   Andrew Brown                                                           

15th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble

                            Covenant Service with Holy Communion

22nd 10.30 am  Penny Flynn

29th  10.30 am   Mike Render


Services for Dec 2011

4th   10.30 am   New Directions - Don McGregor

11th 10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Communion

18th 10.30 am   Carol Service & Gift Service - Worship Leaders

25th  10.30 am   Christmas Day - Rev’d David Keeble


Services for Nov 2011

6th     10.30 am    The Worship Team – New Directions - Living Water

13th   10.50 am    Remembrance Day service at St John’s

                             preacher Rev’d David Keeble

20th    10.30 am    Peter Dawe

27th   10.30 am    Faith Paulding                              


Services for Oct 2011

2nd   10.30 am    Christine Heyhoe – New Directions

9th     10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble   - Holy Communion

16th   10.30 am    Julie Finbow

23rd   10.30 am    John Banks

30th   10.30 am    Rev’d David Mullins   - Holy Communion


Services for Sep 2011

4th     10.30 am    Andrew Brown

11th   3.30 pm       Rev’d David Simpson  - Church Anniversary

18th   10.30 am    Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Holy Communion

25th   10.30 am    Denis Walker - Harvest Festival


Services for Aug 2011

7th    10.30 am    New Directions - Faith versus Fear

                             The Worship Team

14th 10.30 am    Rev’d David Thompson - Communion

21st    10.30 am    Rev’d Stuart Veitch

28th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Thompson

Services for Jul 2011

3rd   10.30 am   Don McGregor - New Directions in Worship

10th   10.30 am Rev’d David Keeble – Communion

17th   10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe

24th   10.30 am   Gordon Doyle

31st   10.30 am   Rev’d David Mullins


Services for Jun 2011

5th    10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions: Paul’s Pearls

12th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble - Holy Communion

19th  10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

26th    10.30 am   Rev’d Janet Tollington


Services for May 2011

1st      10.30 am     Rev’d David Mullins

8th   10.30 am     Rev’d David Keeble

15th  10.30 am     Rev’d David Keeble - Communion

22nd  10.30 am     Denis Walker

            7.00 pm     Rev’d David Keeble - Café Worship

29th   10.30 am     Christine Heyhoe


Services for April 2011

3rd   10.30 am   The Worship Team - New Directions

10th 10.30 am   Rev’d David Keeble

17th  10.30 am   Rev’d Allen Morton

22nd  10.30 am   Good Friday Service

24th    10.30 am   Rev’d Stuart Veitch - Easter Communion


Services for March 2011

6th  10.30 am     Jerry Heyhoe & Worship Leaders - New Directions

13th 10.30 am   Rev David Keeble - Communion

20th 10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton

27th 10.30 am     Faith Paulding


Services for February 2011

6th  10.30 am     Rev Stuart Veitch & Worship Leaders - New Directions

13th 10.30 am   Rev David Keeble

20th 10.30 am   Rev  Allen Morton - Communion

27th 10.30 am   Janet Bottoms


Services for January 2011

2nd 10.30 am     Mike Dyer

9th 10.30 am     Julie Finbow

16th 10.30 am   Rev  Allen Morton                       

23rd 10.30 am   Rev John Buxton

30th 10.30 am     Rev David Keeble - Covenant Service & Communion


Services for December 2010

5th   10.30 am     New Directions – Andrew Brown & Worship Leaders

12th 10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Communion & Gift Service

                             please bring breakfast foods, toiletries, socks & gloves

           7.00 pm     Café Worship - Rev Stuart Veitch & Worship Leaders

19th 10.30 am     Gordon Doyle

25th 10.30 am     Rev  Allen Morton- Christmas Family Worship

26th 10.30 am                 No service


Services for November 2010

7th   10.30 am       Rev Stuart Veitch - New Directions

14th 10.50 am       Village Remembrance Service at St John’s

                                No service at Stansted Free Church

21st 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton -  Holy Communion

28th  10.30 am       Rev Martin Cressey


Services for October 2010

3rd    10.30 am  New Directions with the Worship Team

10th   10.30 am   Rev David Keeble - Communion

17th   10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton

24th   10.30 am   Pamela Cressey

31st        10.30 am     Rev Stuart Veitch


Services for September 2010

5th   10.30 am       Julie Finbow

12th 10.30 am       John Banks

19th 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton - Harvest &  Holy Communion

Breakfast goods for Whitechapel Mission will be received             

26th    10.30 am      Penny Flynn


Services for August 2010

1st       10.30 am       New Directions with the Worship Team

8th       10.30 am       Denis Walker

15th    10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton - Communion

22nd   10.30 am       Rev David Thompson

29th    10.30 am       Rev Janet Tollington


Services for July 2010

4th   10.30 am       Andrew Brown and The Worship team

11th 10.30 am       Rev Stuart Veitch - Holy Communion

18th 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton                     

           7.00 pm       Café Worship - Rev Stuart Veitch

25th   10.30 am       Sarah Devereux


Services for June 2010

6th    10.30 am   New Directions with the Worship team

                          MHA Sunday - Pilgrimage

13th   10.30 am   Rev David Mullins - Communion

20th 10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton

27th   10.30 am   No Service - see below


Sunday 27th June - no service

This is the day of the bi-annual Stansted Fun Run.  Most of the congregation will be helping with this major village charity event, so we have decided not to hold a service at Stansted Free Church on that day. We invite you to attend one of the following services:

Stansted: St John’s 10.30 am - Ordination of the curate Revd Giles Tulk

Bishop’s Stortford:  URC 11 am  Methodist Church 10 am


Services for May 2010

2nd   10.30 am       Rev Tim Richards - Baptism of Oscar Keef

9th    10.30 am       Rev David Mullins - Communion

16th 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton

23rd  10.30 am       Andrew Brown

30th    10.30 am     Maureen Kendall


Services for April 2010

2nd   10.30 am   Rev David Mullins - Good Friday

4th    10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton  - Easter Day Communion

11th 10.30 am   Rev Claire Heald

18th  10.30 am   Ken Mark

25th  10.30 am   Denis Walker

          6.30 pm     Circuit Easter Offering Service


Services for March 2010

7th   10.30 am       New Directions - The Worship team

14th 10.30 am       Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion

21st 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton

28th  10.30 am       Rev Stuart Veitch – Missionary Aviation Fellowship


Services for February 2010

7th   10.30 am       New Directions - The Worship team

14th 10.30 am       Janet Bottoms

           7.00 pm       Café Worship - Rev David Mullins

21st 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton - Holy Communion

28th  10.30 am       Rev Stuart Veitch


Services for January 2010

3rd   10.30 am       Julie Finbow

10th 10.30 am       Rev David Mullins

                                Covenant Service &  Holy Communion

17th 10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton

24th 10.30 am       Faith Paulding

31st 10.30 am        Rev David Mullins


Services for December 2009

6th  10.30 am     New Directions – The Worship Team

          7.00 pm     Café Worship - Rev Stuart Veitch & Worship Leaders

13th 10.30 am   Rev  John Buxton - Holy Communion

20th 10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton - Gift Service & Carols

                             please bring breakfast foods, toiletries, socks & gloves

25th 10.30 am   Rev Janet Tollington - Christmas Family Worship

27th 10.30 am                                                            Rev David Mullins


Services for November 2009

1st   10.30 am    Julie Finbow

8th 10.50 am     Rev  Allen Morton at St John’s Church

                             United Remembrance Day Service

15th 10.30 am   Rev David Mullins

                             Holy Communion

22nd 10.30 am  Gordon Doyle

29th 10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton


Services for October 2009

4th        10.30 am       The Worship team -New Directions in Worship

11th      10.30 am       Ken Mark

18th     10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton                   

                                    Holy Communion

25th     10.30 am        Penny Flynn


Services for September 2009

6th   3.30 pm      Rev David Mullins &  Rev Allen Morton

                             Church Anniversary and tea

13th 10.30 am   Rev David Mullins

                             Holy Communion

20th 10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton

                             Harvest Festival - gifts to Whitechapel Mission

27th 10.30 am     Rev Martin Cressey


Services for August 2009

2nd     10.30 am       The Worship team

                                    New Directions in Worship

9th       10.30 am       Janet Bottoms

16th    10.30 am       Rev Allen Morton                 

                                    Holy Communion

23rd   10.30 am       Denis Walker

30th    10.30 am       Maureen Kendall


Services for July 2009

5th   10.30 am   Jerry Heyhoe

12th 10.30 am   Gillian Taylor

19th 10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton                        

                             Holy Communion

26th    10.30 am      Rev Stuart Veitch


Services for June 2009

7th   10.30 am   The Worship Team

                             New Directions in Worship

14th 10.30 am   Rev Janet Tollington

21st 10.30 am    Rev Allen Morton                              

                             Holy Communion

28th 10.30 am    Rev John Buxton


Services for May 2009

3rd   10.30 am   Christine Heyhoe

10th 10.30 am   Gordon Doyle

17th 10.30 am    Rev John Buxton                          

                             Holy Communion

24th 10.30 am    Rev Stuart Veitch

                             New Directions in Worship

31st  10.30 am   Rev Allen Morton


Services for April 2009

5th   10.30 am     New Directions in Worship

                             The Worship Team

10th 10.30 am                                                            Good Friday Service

                             Rev’d Allen Morton

12th 10.30 am                                                            Easter Day Communion

                             Rev’d Stuart Veitch

19th 10.30 am                                                            Rev’d Allen Morton

26th 10.30 am     Denis Walker


Services for March 2009

1st    10.30 am    Maureen Kendall

8th  10.30 am    Rev’d David Mullins

                            Holy Communion

15th 10.30 am    Rev’d Allen Morton

                            New Directions in Worship with the Pilots

22nd 10.30 am    Julie Finbow

29th 10.30 am                                                            Rev’d David Thompson


Services for February 2009

1st    10.30 am     Nigel Courtman & The Worship Team

8th  10.30 am     Rev’d David Mullins

15th 10.30 am     Rev’d Allen Morton

                             Holy Communion

22nd10.30 am                                                            Andrew Brown


Services for January 2009

4th        10.30 am     Rev Stuart Veitch

11th      10.30 am     Rev David Mullins

                                  Covenant Service & Holy Communion

18th      10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton – Preacher Rev Paul Wilkin

25th       10.30 am     Rev John Buxton


Services for December 2008

7th        10.30 am     New Directions in Worship – The Three Comings

               2.30 pm     Rev Martin Cressey

14th      10.30 am     Rev Trevor Sands - Holy Communion

21st      10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton – Gift Service

                                    Breakfast foods & men’s clothing for Whitechapel Mission

25th      10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton – Christmas Day Worship

28th      10.30 am     Carol Service


Services for November 2008

2nd         10.30 am     New Directions in Worship

               2.30 pm     Gillian Taylor

9th          10.45 am     United Service at St John’s - Remembrance Day

16th        10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Holy Communion

23rd       10.30 am     Gordon Doyle

30th        10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton


Services for October 2008

5th        10.30 am     Michael Dyer

                                  Baptism of Hamish Herbert Paxton

12th      10.30 am     Michael Render

19th      10.30 am     Maureen Kendall

26th      10.30 am     Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion


Services for September 2008

7th          3.00 pm     Church Anniversary

                                  Rev David Mullins & Rev Allen Morton

                                  followed by tea in the Hall - all welcome

14th      10.30 am     Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion

21st      10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Harvest festival

28th     10.30 am      Pamela Cressey


Services for August 2008

3rd         10.30 am     New Directions in Worship

               2.30 pm     Rev David Mullins

                            followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

10th       10.30 am     Andrew Brown

17th       10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Holy Communion             

24th       10.30 am     John Banks

31st        10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton


Services for July 2008

6th         10.30 am     The Worship Team – My yoke is easy

               2.30 pm     Sarah Devereux 

                            followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

13th       10.30 am     Rev Stuart Veitch - Holy Communion

20th       10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton                     

27th       10.30 am     Gillian Taylor


Services for June 2008

1st         10.30 am     The Worship Team – All Age Worship

               2.30 pm     Rev Stuart veitch

                            followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

8th         10.30 am     Rev David Mullins

15th       10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Holy Communion

22nd      10.30 am     Christine  Heyhoe

29th       10.30 am     Rev Martin Cressey


Services for May 2008

4th         10.30 am     The Worship Team & Rev David Mullins - Ascension

               2.30 pm     Rev Murray George

                            followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

11th       10.30 am     Peter Dawe

18th       10.30 am     Rev Allen Morton - Holy Communion

25th       10.30 am     Gerry Arnell


Services for April 2008

6th         10.30 am     The Worship Team - Recognition

               2.30 pm     John Banks

                            followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

13th       10.30 am     Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion

               6.30 pm     Rev Ferni Cole-Nije - Circuit Easter Offering

20th       10.30 am     Christine Heyhoe

27th       10.30 am     Pamela Cressey


Services for March 2008

2nd        10.30 am      All Age Worship – Lenten Journeys

               2.30 pm      Faith Paulding

                                    followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

  9th      10.30 am     Maureen Kendall

16th     10.30 am     Rev Stuart Veitch

23rd     10.30 am     Easter Day Holy Communion

                                  Rev Janet Tollington

30th     10.30 am     Rev David Thompson













Services for February 2008

3rd       10.30 am      All Age Worship – ‘Waiting’

               2.30 pm      Gordon Doyle

10th       2.30 pm      Christine Heyhoe

17th     10.30 am      Rev Martin Cressey – Holy Communion

24th    10.30 am       Rev David Mullins


Services for January 2008

6th       10.30 am      Rev Stuart Veitch - Baptismal Service

               2.30 pm      No service

13th       2.30 pm      Visiting Preacher

                                                Note change of service time

20th     10.30 am      Rev David Mullins - Covenant Service

                                    Preacher Rev Paul Wilkin

27th    10.30 am       Rev John Buxton


Services for December 2007

2nd      10.30 am      All Age Worship - ‘The Thin Place’

               2.30 pm      Rev Trevor Sands

9th       10.30 am      Holy Communion & Gift Service Rev David Mullins

   Breakfast foods & men’s clothing for Whitechapel Mission


16th     10.30 am      John Banks

23rd     10.30 am      Carol Service

25th     10.30 am      Christmas Day Service - Rev Stuart Veitch

Text Box: Christmas Services 
Bishop’s Stortford Water Lane URC 
Mon 24th	11.30 pm 	Christmas Eve Service led by Jean West
Bishop’s Stortford Methodist Church 
Mon 24th 	4.00  pm 	Christingle
		11.30 pm  Midnight Communion - Rev David Mullins
Stansted Free Church
Christmas Day worship at 10.30 am led by Rev Stuart Veitch
30th     10.30 am      Rev Janet Tollington












Services for November 2007

4th         10.30 am      All Age Worship ‘Play your Part’

               2.30 pm      Rev David Mullins

11th      10.50 am      United Remembrance Service at St John’s

                                    Rev David Mullins

18th     10.30 am        Rev Janet Tollington - Holy Communion

25th      10.30 am       Gordon Doyle


Services for October 2007

7th       10.30 am      All Age Worship

               2.30 pm      Rev Murray George

14th     10.30 am      Andrew Brown

21st      10.30 am      Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion      

28th     10.30 am      Faith Paulding

One World Week Service

6.30 pm Sunday 21st October Saffron Walden Methodist Church led by Rev Murray George


Services for September 2007

  2nd      10.30 am      No morning Service

               2.30 pm      1st Church Anniversary - Rev John Buxton

                                    followed by celebration tea

 9th        10.30 am      Maureen Kendall

16th      10.30 am      Rev David Mullins - Holy Communion      

23rd      10.30 am      Doug Coulton

30th      10.30 am      Rev Martin Cressey -  Harvest Festival


Services for August 2007

  6th       10.30 am      All Age Worship – Fruits of the Spirit

               2.30 pm      Rev Trevor Sands

 13th     10.30 am      Gillian Taylor

20th      10.30 am      Rev Stuart Veitch - Holy Communion       

27th      10.30 am      Nigel Courtman


Services for July 2007

  1st       10.30 am      All Age Worship – Sea Sunday - Listening

               2.30 pm      Rev Murray George

 8th        10.30 am      Ken Mark

15th      10.30 am      Rev Keith Page - Holy Communion          

22nd     10.30 am      Rev David Thompson

29th       10.30 am      Gordon Doyle


Services for June 2007

3rd       10.30 am      All Age Worship- Turn on the Tap

               2.30 pm      Pamela Cressey

10th     10.30 am      Geoff Grundy

17th     10.30 am      Rev John Buxton - Holy Communion        

24th     10.30 am      Rev Keith Page


Services for May 2007

6th       10.30 am      All Age Worship- Palm Sunday

               2.30 pm      Rev Trevor Sands

13th     10.30 am      Maureen Kendall

20th     10.30 am      Rev Keith Page - Holy Communion          

27th     10.30 am      Rev Martin Cressey


Services for April 2007

1st         10.30 am                   The Worship Team - All Age Worship

   1st         2.30 pm      Rev Keith Page

                                    followed by tea in the foyer - all welcome

   1st         6.30 pm      Lent Groups Agape in the Hall - all welcome

   8th      10.30 am      Easter Day Holy Communion

                                    Rev Stuart Veitch

  15th     10.30 am      John Banks

  22nd    10.30 am      Gillian Taylor

               6.30 pm      Methodist Circuit Easter Offering Service

  29th     10.30 am      Karen Brady



Services for March 2007

4th        10.30am          The Worship team

                                       Breaking Free - Worship for all ages

 4th        2.30pm           Rev David Simpson followed by outreach tea

11th      10.30am          Mike Render

18th      10.30am          Revs David Simpson & Keith Page - Holy Communion

                                       Farewell lunch for David & Sylvia Simpson

25th      10.30am          Doug Coulton


Services for February 2007

4th      10.30am      Ordinary people – Extraordinary God

                                Worship for all ages

 4th      2.30pm       Rev David Simpson followed by outreach tea

11th    10.30am      Ken Mark

18th   10.30am      Rev David Simpson  - Holy Communion

                                Incuding welcome of new members

25th    10.30am      Nigel Courtman


Services for January 2007

7th      10.30am      Michael Dyer & Alan Wheeler

                                       Getting Changed - Worship for all ages

 7th        2.30pm          Rev David Simpson

14th      10.30am        Betty Kime

21st      10.30am        Rev David Simpson  - Covenant Service & Communion

28th      10.30am        Rev Keith Page


Services for December 2006

 3rd       10.30am        Michael Dyer & Alan Wheeler

                                       New directions in Worship for all ages

 3rd        2.30pm          Rev David Simpson followed by outreach tea

10th      10.30am        Rev John Buxton – Communion

17th      10.30am        Faith Paulding – Gift Service

24th      10.30am        Ros Page – Christmas Praise

25th      10.30am        Rev David Simpson – Christmas Day Worship

31st      10.30am        Joan Kennett


Services for November 2006

5th        3.30pm           Inaugural Celebration Service

Click here  to see the report and pictures of this very special service


12th      10.50am        Remembrance Day Service at St John’s Church

19th      10.30am        Rev David Simpson – Communion

26th      10.30am        Rev Keith Page


Services for October 2006                  

1st        10.30am        Michael Dyer & Alan Wheeler

                                     New directions in Worship for all ages

1st          2.30pm          Rev David Simpson followed by Harvest Tea

8th        10.30am        Rev Trevor Sands

15th      10.30am        Rev David Simpson – Communion

22nd     10.30am        Jean Hay

29th      10.30am        Rev David Simpson             






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